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Showing posts from June, 2014

Balloon Shooting game in cpp

Balloon Shooting Game is a simple game using c and cpp features. You can easily learn and is easy to run because this game works in TURBOC compiler. The main features are included is  GRAPHICS and DOS commands. Basic commands used in this game : initgraph : initgraph is used to initialising of graphics mode in the program.                   ex. initgraph(&gm,&gd,"akshay"); here gm uses Graphics detect mode and gd points to graphics features to be used in program ans last is a string it may be any string like c://tc/bin etc.. setbkcolor : sets the current background color.    for ex. if you want to set background color to blue, you can call   setbkcolor(BLUE); or setbkcolor(1); getimage : saves a bit image of the specified region into memory. putimage : outputs a bit image onto the screen. settextstyle : sets the current text characteristics.     Declaration : settextstyle(int font,...

How to make Antivirus In C++

Hello friends this article to the programmers who wants to makes some intresting softwares and there own applications like this antivirus program ...This antivirus program is for beginners and easy to understand.... lets come to learn Focus Points The main points behind searching an virus is identify the structure of the virus file. Step1 : Get a list of file folders that includes to scan. Step2 : Scan them one by one using char sample would be tagged as "Infected". Step3 : Delete this virus file, in case when u find them. In coding phase first u have to learn file handling and the new concept is system command. system command : executes dos commands within c++ program. It currently works to include sub directiories in the file. for coding goto :  Antivirus coding